Victoria Hany


Victoria has a PGCE, BA (Hons) and over 18 years teaching experience, she has been active in Senior Leadership in a range of contexts for over ten years. This includes extensive teaching experience across KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4 of the British National Curriculum, both in the UK and in Egypt. As a Head Teacher she has provided highly effective, experienced and inspirational leadership. She believes that education is empowerment and all children deserve an opportunity to receive that solid foundation.


As a Designated Safeguarding lead/Child Protection Officer, Victoria strives to ensure that each student feels safe and supported. This too has enhanced the vast EAL and Behavioural background in education, ensuring each child has the opportunity to progress both academically and as individuals. As an experienced SENCO, students have been supported and guided to enrich their learning experience.

About Victoria

As Victoria moves forward to take on the role of Vice Principal, Pastoral at Valley Forge Academy Qatar, she very much is looking forward to the challenge of leading the elementary school and working with the wonderful children of VFA and their families. Her ambition and vision, are firmly anchored in the relentless and determined drive to improve students’ achievements and engagement with education and beyond.

Podľa farmakológie by tento liek mal liečiť ženy, ktoré trpia iPolitibidémia, nedostatok sexuálnej príťažlivosti alebo jednoducho hovorenie, chladnosť. Táto diagnóza sa dá dodať iba vtedy, cialis cena žena nemá ďalšiu diagnózu, ktorá by mohla viesť k nedostatku príťažlivosti, ako je napríklad depresia. Podľa štatistík trpí touto poruchou asi 10% žien.